Sunday, January 20, 2008

Background, in breif

For the last few years, the Dream Science Circus, or just U&I Productions I guess, has been doing a new year´s show in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This year Islando and Ukoiya bid the show big, and got a contract to take down nearly the whole circus. Islando bought an MCI couch tour bus, and all of us spent a frantic 5 days or so, converting the interior into a living/traveling space and the engine to run on straight vegetable oil. We left far later than planned. As is inevitable with grease systems, we had problems, but each time were able to get them repaired. For about 4 days straight we were either driving or working on the engine. We crossed into Mexico on Christmas day, after having a lovely breakfast with our friend Clay in Tuscon.

The next few days were spend working on costumes and props. finally, by Dec 30, we were ready to put together the show. We spent a day on the beach practicing and planning, and the next day headed out to the Four Seasons resort to set up. and finish the costumes, props...

None of us would say that the show was our finest work. I took a good spill on the dance floor in my 10 foot, 4 legged giant praying mantis stilt costume and had to be helped back up, Jocelyn burnt her fingers, and for our finale, the three high with Jules on top tumbled into the pool (they were planning on falling into the pool, but after he juggled fire, not before). Nonetheless, the suits had no complaints, and invited us back for next year.

After the show, we were free. The bus was heading back north in another 3 weeks or so, I had been planning to be on it. But when faced with the options of returning, homeless, to cold and dreary Washington state in January, or exploring Latin America, the choice was easy. Luckily, I had a spare $1500 in the bank that would be enough to sustain me for the next 3 months, including 80 hours of one on one Spanish language instruction.

Lindsay and I took off for Oaxaca. We spent a week on the beach, headed up to the city for a bit. Oaxaca city was great, I would have loved to stay there longer. But each day that went by drove home the point that I really needed to learn some Spanish. Prices being about half in Guatemala what they were in Oaxaca, I decided to head south.