Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Immigration Reform and Donkey Milk

I had a glass of donkey milk the other day. Fresh. Really fresh. Straight from the udder into my glass. It didn't taste all that good, but it is supposed to be an elixir of youth.  

Cochabamba is treating me pretty well, and I´m slowly settling in. I bought a bike the other day. I´m moving into a new place tomorrow, a boarding house is the best way to describe it, its like a hostal but geared to long term (by the month) visitors. Most of the folks there (about 7) are volunteer workers from Europe. I have basically my own studio apartment, private kitchen and bathroom, for $100 a month.

I´m working with 2 NGOs, teaching circus arts classes and putting together circus shows with kids. Performing Life works with kids who live or work on the street. Educar es Fiesta works with kids from various backgrounds, teaching gymnastics, music, theater, and circus with a philosophy of nonviolence and the promotion of "buen trata," good treatment. Its lots of fun, fulfilling, and keeping me quite busy.  

The only problem is that I´m here on a 90 day tourist visa. Bolivia and the US have terrible relations, and one of the consequences is that its difficult and expensive for estadounidences to visit and stay. Personally, i think that putting obstacles in the way people coming to visit, study, and work with local NGOs is not the way to promote mutual understanding and better relations between countries. Of course, given how hard it is for Bolivians to even set foot on American soil, I can´t claim any injustice. I do have a couple avenues to pursue. The brother of the director of Educar es Fiesta is the director of the immigration office here in Cochabamba. Also, since my predicament has become a topic of discussion in the group, I´ve received 2 marriage proposals. I think things will work out one way or another.

1 comment:

lebnjay said...

sounds great vern, seems like you have found a bit more of what you were looking for. We would always just do border runs every three months, but a border is a little farther away for you. You could take a vacation and head up through la paz to the lake. If and when you do go to the lake, ask us who to stay with, isla del sol is amazing if done properly. keep on having fun.