Saturday, January 3, 2009

Santiago de Chile

I arrived in SCL at 5:30 AM after nearly 24 hours of traveling. Aside from customs finding my trail mix (and having to sign a total of 5 statements acknowledging my failure to declare my dried fruit, authorizing its seizure and destuction, and agreeing that i´m damn lucky that they didnt slap my ass in jail) my entrance to Chile was smooth. I made my way to Hostal Don Santiago, my new home for 5 days. I found this place on; Pato, the manager of the hostal invited me to stay there free of chage.

I passed out for about 7 hours, and got up in time for the new years eve dinner hosted by Pato and Diego, an employee at the hostal. Then we went out to watch the fireworks and celebrate in the street with thousands of chileans. I almost went to be after that, but instead I ended up at a bar with some germans, drinking with Pato back at the hostal, then catching a cab to a club at around 4, dancing for a couple hours, and finally returning to the hostal to pass out.

I spent the next couple days recovering. Finally, I feel like myself again. I bought new juggling clubs here, after leaving my old ones at my friend´s place in Oakland. They´re pretty sweet, and cheap too, about 9 bucks each.

I´m sticking around for juggle club tomorrow, then on to Valparaiso on monday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry about giving you that dried fruit for your trip!